"It is said that distance love cannot be last forever. Then, somebody can just leave it behind. They choose a person that is near them, who is easy to touch their hands, reach their lips. But they don't know a thing: Leaving their lover is like leaving everything..."
21/07/2019- Listening to Inuyasha soundtrack
This diary is for my babe. I don't know whether he will read it or not. Maybe yes, maybe no, because I am the one that knows how busy he is.

Image: I got this for my own life. And I will never delete it no matter what happens.
I always tell you that one day staying in Vietnam seems to be one decade without you. At that time, you put a question mark upon my message, as you still do not get what I have said. Actually, I have no idea what I was saying either. But I know one thing that I am really lonely without you.
I guess maybe it is because I get used to seeing you everyday, seeing your sunny smile when I wake up
"Good morning sleeping beauty"... I miss that saying and the warmth from your arms. A lot.
But then,
When things get further.. When I realize that I cannot touch you anymore but seeing your face finally after 10 times calling but no reply, I concern to face another challenge...
Do you know yourself more than me? I guess 50/50
Who doesn't know himself could be a fool. No more no less.
But you don't know your feeling. At least to me, when I said I love you.
Is that true?
After guessing a thousand times, I finally write this letter- some simple words that can reach your mind.
You knows Inuyasha- A really famous Japanese manga?
Boo, if not, you have to, as it reads my mind all the time. Since I were a kind, I have been dreaming of a person who will love me like I love him, or more, to protect and to give me peace.
In that manga, there is a girl named Kagome, who decided to chase after her love despite knowing that man would probably love his dead woman for his whole life. In my culture, that is called Selflessness.
I think you would not understand what it is truly meant to be. Because I can guess what you will say- GIVE YOURSELF FREEDOM AND YOU ALWAYS HAVE OPTIONS
Boo, I have only one choice. That is you- a thing you never understand, as you certainly deny but think I have been joking so far.
Boo, Please watch the manga, then we can reach closer.
Then you can give your little trust in me.
Just a little seems to be very fine
One month and a half since I left, and everything is still hard for me.
But I give hope everyday.
Hope won't be killed if I feed it day by day
But there is still a thing I need from you
That is your trust.
I can not do that by myself
Like a tree can not be flourish without water and farmer
Hope you understand
I trust you,
Link Inuyasha sountrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL977y-0Dyk&t=1739s